The Royal Hood Mentoring Program
”A 6-Week Mentoring Program To Transform Boys Into Godly Men

As a parent, you want the best possible future for your teenage son.
However, that prospect may be dimmed by the following challenges…
 Challenge 3
You find yourself  struggling to effectively communicate and have meaningful conversations with your son.
Challenge 4
On top of all of that, you can see him slowly drifting away from his relationship with God.
We Can Help!
The Solution
Moses mentored Joshua.
Eli mentored Samuel.
Samuel mentored Saul & David.
Elijah mentored Elisha.
Jesus mentored 12 Disciples.
Mentoring is a proven transformational tool that has been used from the very beginning.
It is needed NOW more then ever for this generation.
Eric Agyeman (your son’s mentor) is a positive Christian voice, who will walk alongside your son to position him for his best possible future!

Eric Agyeman
Your Mentor
A victim of racial bullying in primary school because he was the only African in his year level, Eric experienced constant teasing, isolation and fear which led to him missing many days of school.
The bullying led to anger and other emotions he didn't know how to identify or navigate at the time. He was suspended 4 times in high school as a result of his reactions to this circumstance. It became a very dark period for him; battling with anxiety and depression as he struggled to fit in and lacking a sense of self love and worth.
Two decades later, having overcome the pain and impact of bullying and low self esteem, Eric is passionate about helping young people do the same! Through personal experience and research, the group mentoring will build confidence and help teens discover their true identity become more confident, resilient and motivated at the end of the 6 weeks program.
Eric lives in Melbourne, Australia, married to his wife Sandy and has two beautiful boys; Kingston James & Marcellus Elijah, as a family they worship at Enjoy Church; where Eric serves on the preaching team.
Week 1 Identity
Who you are and whose you are. A study of Davids teenage years ‘But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people’
1 Peter 2:9
Week 3 Power Of Words
The power of words and why we need to change our vocabulary. ‘The tongue has the power of life and death’ Proverbs 18:21
Week 5 Godfidence
Moving beyond outward confidence into inward confidence.
Program Overview
6 Life Changing Weeks

Week 2 Thought Patterns
Eliminating unhealthy thought patterns and renewing the mind. ‘As a man thinks in his heart so he is’ Proverbs 23:7
Week 4 Relationship
How to move from knowing about God to knowing God personally. ‘But the people that do know their God shall be strong, and do exploits.’ Daniel 11:32
Week 6 Mental Health
5 steps to overcoming anxiety, stress & worry in any area of life. in your presence there is fullness of JOY’
Psalm 16:11
3 Simple Steps To Your Son’s Transformation
“Its easier to build strong children, then to repair broken men.”
-Frederick Douglass
Lets begin the transformation journey!
Have A Chat With Eric
See if this is the right fit for your son and get registered!
Go On The 6 Week Journey
Watch your son learn and grow through the mentorship program.
See The Transformation
Celebrate and witness the change your son has gone through at our graduation night!
Value & Investment
For less than $16 a day, imagine a more confident son, who is clear on his identity and is excited about his future.
Parent Reviews
“Throughout the course my son showed great commitment and grew in his confidence and ability to connect with God and others more deeply.”
“Our son checked in a lot more often with us, openly more conscious of communicating his thankfulness to us, he was also a lot more affectionate in particular towards his mum. I would highly recommend this program.”
Pastor Danny
“What a blessing to have a safe environment for my son to talk about their innermost worries and to be guided by a mentor who is filled with the Spirit of God.”
“It was great to see my son reflect on the weekly topics he was learning and then applying these lessons learnt to his life.”
Parents whose sons participated in the program said they would ‘highly recommend’ this to other families.
Expression Of Interest
Register Now To Secure Your Son’s Spot For August 2020 Intake, limited spots available.
What is The Royal Hood?
The Royal Hood is a 6 week online mentoring program designed to help teenage boys discover their identity, build confidence, resilience and become motivated about their future dreams!
How does it work?
A video lesson will be sent to teens on the Monday of every week for them to watch and fill out the relevant worksheet. Then on Thursday of every week, we’ll connect online via Zoom for 45 mins to reflect through the video lessons and have a Q&A session. This will be recorded if anyone is absent, however teens are required to prioritize attending a minimum of 4 Q & A sessions. For additional support, students will have access to their mentor via email and also text.
Who is it for?
Teen boys aged 13-18 years who want to position themselves for the best possible future, by growing in their identity, confidence, resilience and relationship with God, with a help of a trusted mentor.
How much is it?
Investment for the program is 3 fortnightly payments of $265 or lump sum of $795, inclusive in this price is your son’s ticket for our Graduation Blessing Night, a celebration 3 course dinner with a special gift + certificate of completion for each boy graduating.
Family and friends will need to purchase their own ticket to attend this event.
Where is it?
Online through videos teachings and Zoom for LIVE Q&A sessions.
Is there one for girls?
Not at the moment, we will launching our girls mentoring program in 2021!